The National Research Centre for Riverine & Lake Fishery, Haa, would like to invite the eligible Bhutanese contractor’s with valid license to participate in the following work:   Sl.No Name of tender Rate per tender Sale Date Submission Date Opening Date Remarks 1 Supply and Installation of CCTV surveillance at NRCR&LF,Haa 00 10/01/2020 10/02/2020 at or […]

The National Research Center for Riverine & Lake Fisheries, DoL, Haa is pleased to announce the following vacant post for immediate recruitment vacancy announcement for ESP0001 SI.No Position Title Position Category Requirement Place of Posting Remarks 1. Night/ Day Guard ESP 1 NRCR&LF, Haa On Contract 2. Fishery Attendant ESP 2 NRCR&LF, Haa 3. Fishery […]

The family of NRCR&LF, Haa, heartfelt congratulated  Mr. Jambay Tshewang (Farm Manager/Trout Breeding Center) for his achievement towards higher level of grade and a great endeavor in his milestone of career with his well deserving success today. Tashi Delek and wish you a luck ahead.

The Hon’ble Sanam Lyonpo, Yeshey Penjor paid first visit to NRCR&LF on 23rd of July, 2019. During the visit H.E. the Sanam Lyonpo met with the staffs of NRCR&LF and also made a visit to various units of NRCR&LF i.e Trout Breeding Centre, The Repository Unit & the fish ponds around the Center’s  premises.  

       His Excellency Finance Minister, Lynpo Namgay Tshering paid visit to NRCR&LF this afternoon (7/3/2019) and also met with the staffs of NRCR&LF. Discussions and fruitful interactions were made with the field staffs on fish productions and long term research under NRCR&LF.  H.E. the Finance Minister also made a visit to various units of […]

The National Research Center for Riverine & Lake Fisheries,DoL, Haa  is pleased to announce the following vacant post for immediate recruitment: SI.No Position Title Position Category Requirement Place of Posting Remarks 1. Night/ Day Guard ESP 1 NRCR&LF, Haa Contract 2. Fishery Attendant ESP 2 NRCR&LF, Haa 3. Fishery Attendant ESP 2 NRCR&LF, Golden Masher […]